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Fighting HIV stigma, educating about sexual health

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

Kevin Holmes (third from right)

CHCA is doing its part to fight HIV stigma!

Young Advocates and Ambassadors for Sexual Health is a new program designed to reduce new HIV/STD infections among college students.

The program provides college students HIV 101 training, and access to resources, tools, and guidance on protecting themselves and educating others.

Kevin Holmes, CHCA's special populations coordinator, recently presented on the program at Philander Smith College.

"The training also debunks myths and misconceptions about HIV and STDs. While HIV testing already takes place on campus from various sources, this program will equip students with the knowledge they need to educate their peers on campus," Holmes said.

CHCA is excited that the program will also feature several workshops on different topics throughout the year!

It's so important for students to have ongoing conversations and education about sexual health in a non-judgmental setting.

According to the CDC, there were 36,136 people newly diagnosed with HIV in the United States in 2021. Those aged 13-24 accounted for 7,648 cases of newly diagnosed individuals.

"Hopefully, the CHCA program will help students understand the risk of contracting HIV/STDs so they can make informed decisions when choosing partners," Holmes said.


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